Comissioned Work
- Kulturkirken Jakob
- Doors: 18:30
- Concert: 19:30
- Price: 350,- + ticket fee
Bass player Sigurd Holes commisioned work Roraima draws inspiration from the Yanomani tribe who lives in the Amazone rainforest on the border between Venezuela and Brazil. He has utilized field recordings from the sound ecologist Bernie Krause, as well as the possibilities of his new ensemble, and created an immersive musical experience touching on themes such as solidarity and ecological vulnerability. Sadly, the themes have become more relevant this year, as the Yanomani tribe are hard hit by Covid-19. Sigurd Hole is known from several different constellations in Norwegian jazz. Lately, he has recorded two remarkable and critically praised albums for solo bass. A lot of the ideas from these albums are developed further in Roraima, with the aid of a string ensemble, Frode Haltlis accordion and Trygve Seims saxophone.

Trygve Seim - sax
Frode Haltli - accordeon
Håkon Aase - violin
Helga Myhr - fiddle and vocals
Tanja Orning - cello
Sigurd Hole - contrabass