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  • Cafeteatret
  • Starts at 15:00 / 19:00 / 22:00
  • Price: Free of charge!

In Asphalt Pulse we meet five characters who in their own way experience disconnection from their city. Themes such as love, domestic violence, beauty tyranny and loneliness are illustrated through physical choreographies and text blocks. The show was performed in 37 public places on the East Side of Oslo, with a goal of meeting young people where young people are, in centers, schools etc. Asphalt Pulse gained good reviews and was shown to over 2500 spectators during the tour.

Direction and concept:
Mine Nilay Yalcin
Texts by:
Hina Zaidi / Mine Nilay Yalcin, Taro Vestøl Cooper, Sadiiq Jdid / Guillermo John Magno, Jahanger Ali and Junaid Khan.

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Web backgrounds 5
BVD19 1

For childern

Children's Arts Exploration Day

Grønland kulturstasjon og Asylet

Saturday 18. october

Starts at 11.30