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Wakatt Faso Danse Theatre 7 c Sophie Garcia

Konsert- og danseforestilling

Faso Dance Théâtre: Wakatt

Ten dancers and three musicians in a thoroughly composed performance where the music and dance mutually influence each other.

Wakatt means ‘our times’, and the production presents a battle in which bodies move together towards a shared, open future. We meet 10 dancers and 3 musicians on the stage in a through-composed production in which the music and dance each have an effect on each other. Wakatt moves through the seductive, the beautiful, what stands out and what is attractive. The backdrop is the fairly common perception of ‘us’ and ‘them’. Wakatt reflects on the fear-filled world in which we live, where nationalism is on the rise in many places. Wakatt takes a closer look at the characteristic sides of human nature and at what we could call natural instincts. Is it a fact that as people, we contain an innate, hidden violence? Is it natural not to like the unknown? Are people naturally violent?

With his background from Burkina Faso, the choreographer behind this production, Sergé Aime Coulibaly, has seen many outbreaks of race-motivated violence. He has established a centre for arts development in his home town of Bobo Dioulasso, and currently works as an artist, splitting his time between Europe and Africa. Wakatt was developed in Mali, Tunisia, Brussels and Burkina Faso.

Event dates

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Friday 04. November

19.00 - Dansens Hus

Price: 165 - 340

Saturday 05. November

19.00 - Dansens Hus

Price: 165 - 340

Sunday 06. November

17.00 - Dansens Hus

Price: 165 - 340

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