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Jungeltelegrafen Live w/ Raül Refree, Pussy Riot & Cheb Hocine

Det perfekte vorspiel til festivalkvelden.

Meet the Oslo World artists in an intimate setting at Internasjonalen, when NRK P2´s program Jungeltelegrafen invites you to a live broadcast.

Well established stars and up-and-coming artists share their stories and play intimate versions of their music for the festival audience and the radio listeners. The activist art collective Pussy Riot, räi master Cheb Hocine and star producer Raül Refree will be guests this time around.

Jungeltelegrafen is live magic, and the perfect pre party before the festival night.

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For childern

Children's Arts Exploration Day

Grønland kulturstasjon og Asylet

Saturday 18. october

Starts at 11.30