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Short Talks at High Temperatures

A rare opportunity to talk about the most heated topics of the cultural sector at a high temperature.

The sauna is the great equalizer, it represents the non-hierarchical nature of Nordic society. The saunas at Sukkerbiten will rise above 80 degrees to host professionals from the cultural sector and music enthusiasts to discuss ideas to have a more sustainable and diverse cultural sector.

Oslo World has invited key professionals around the globe to highlight
inspiring cases of study that are leading the way to build a more fair
and sustainable cultural sector.

Away from the real world, muscles relaxing, core temperature rising, and an explosion of dopamine release, together we will share action based strategies to work together against systemic discrimination, gender inequality and racism.

This event is connected with the three editions of the Utopian Manifesto, that gather more and more voices with signatories from all around the globe.

Swimsuits are required. Bring your own towel.

Registration is required. Sign up here!


Mia Ternström (Keychange, Sweden), Natalia San Juan (Femnøise,
Spain/Uruguay), Guillerme Tavares & Amanda Bittar (Favela Sounds/
Brazil), Shiba Melisa Mazaza (Music journalist, South Africa), Fabio
Scopino & Davide Mastropaolo (Music Connects & Italian Music
Beat, Italy), Linnéa Elisabeth Svensson (Green operations Europe,
Norway), Jonathan Campbell (Small Toronto, Canada).

In collaboration with Oslo Badstueforening.

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For childern

Children's Arts Exploration Day

Grønland kulturstasjon og Asylet

Saturday 18. october

Starts at 11.30