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NOPA: Write a text about (my) story.

What happens when a composer, songwriter or lyricist is a minority - be it woman, queer, a multicultural background or disability - does the person have to selfcorrect to adapt to the expectations of the majority in order to tell their own story?

Everyone wants to tell THEIR story, but oftentimes we end up with just a story through our own adjustments. Why do we correct ourselves? Is it conscious or subconscious? Does everyone do it? What kind of voices and stories are lost this way, and what are we so afraid of revealing?

In collaboration with NOPA.


Kim Durbeck portrett
Kim Dürbeck - musician / producer / activist
Nosizwe - musician / actor / activist
Moderator: Asta Busingye Lydersen - artist / cultural worker / songwriter / artist in Queendom

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Grønland kulturstasjon og Asylet

Saturday 18. october

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