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Artwork by Diala Brisly

Outdoor Exhibition

Through Solidarity We Survive

  • Starts at 15:00
  • Price: Free!

An open air city exhibition, with dialogue-based poster artworks, by Syrian artists in the diaspora, reacting to the effect of the pandemic.

Exhibition Opening: October 25th, Youngstorget
Exhibition period: October 25th - November 1st

The rapid and unexpected spread of COVID-19 has affected every detail of our life, challenging everything we thought of as stable and unchangeable. While people have sought to unite in the face of a hidden common “enemy,” the pandemic has also strengthened a sense of crisis in our social and political systems. If the current crisis has revealed essential flaws in our systems, it is an opportunity to fundamentally question who we are and where we are going.

Artists and cultural producers play a critical role in providing alternative spaces, which are cornerstones in navigating the ongoing transformations of a crisis. Indeed, culture is the essence of who we are as human beings: it establishes our collective social lives, binds us together, and nurtures our sense of belonging beyond borders. It is difficult to envision the future as a joint endeavor of human civilization without it.

Poster by Ammar Khattab

The posters in the 'Through Solidarity, We Survive' exhibition are responses to the current situation. They stem from two separate initiatives: An open call by coculture inviting Syrian artists in diaspora to create a dialogue-based artwork reacting to the pandemic, and the Artist Training Program by the UdK Berlin Career College.

Alongside the UdK Berlin demonstration KUNST RAUM STADT exhibition, coculture and UdK presented the artworks in public spaces (e.g. windows, balconies, billboards, walls, etc.) throughout Berlin as a city campaign this summer. During Oslo World the posters will be exhibited in a city campaign all over Oslo.

Artists participating in the exhibition:

Alaa Hamameh, Ammar Hatem, Ammar Khattab, Diala Brisly, Fadi Aljabour, Fahed Halabi, Michaele Daoud, Nada Ali, Nagham Hamoush, Nour Safadi, Razan Sabbagh, Ruba Salameh, Tamer Mallak, Yaser Kassab, Yerevan Hassan, Zena El Abdalla.

In collaboration with Coculture, SPACE and Fotogalleriet.

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